The Ultimate Ingredient For Long-Term Business Success
Published in the November 2020 edition of Money Wise magazine.
Published in the November 2020 edition of Money Wise magazine.
ING benefits 'down under' from distrust of Australian banks (This article has been translated from Dutch to English.) In brief: ING is growing fast in Australia because consumers have lost confidence in local banks It is currently the [...]
A few weeks back I very seemingly fell into the trap of a fake online website called Outcome Offer. I’m usually very cautious, but what did me in (which I realized in a couple of days after making [...]
All organisations wax lyrical about efficiency and productivity. This is not a surprising discussion among senior executives in an organisation. However, the solution may just be staring at them in the mirror. According to our national studies around [...]
Communicating with customers is key to their journey with your brand. When, where and how they want you to communicate with them are all key components in the customer lifecycle. Studies show that it takes about 6-7 impressions [...]
Think great customer service and the first company that comes to the mind is Zappos. This despite the fact that the brand doesn’t deliver products in many countries, including mine. But who can ignore the amazing stories one [...]
Chatbots are becoming the in-thing today as a CX enhancer. This technology is stepping in in every possible garb - be it social media or webpages. While chatbots are becoming a necessity today, unfortunately not every brand realises [...]
Customer experience is made up of functional & emotional elements. It couldn’t have been expounded better than in the book Building Great Customer Experiences by Colin Shaw and John Ivens. Functional elements may include attributes such as timely, [...]
Recently I came across a very intriguingly titled article in the Harvard Business Review – Why customer service is so bad? Because it is profitable. The article extensively discussed how an organisation can deliver bad service and still [...]
If there’s one company that demonstrates the benefit of being customer-centric within its DNA, its Amazon. The e-commerce giant’s chief Jeff Bezos is said to always leave an empty chair representing the customer during meetings. All decisions made [...]