The Net Promoter Score® methodology has transformed the business world with its ability to predict business growth. However, Net Promoter Score extends far beyond a business metric; it is a comprehensive organisation-wide discipline with cross-functional implications at all levels of an organisation.

Over the last 10+ years, Engaged Strategy has been building on its proprietary knowledge, extensive experience and advanced global study of NPS. Engaged Strategy has partnered with brands to build and execute effective NPS programs, helping clients achieve NPS increases of 55+ points in extremely challenging categories.

Why do an NPS Mini Audit?
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As a customer-obsessed Senior Executive/CEO or the go-to NPS driving force within your organisation, do the questions below resonate with you?

  • Do you want to know how effective your NPS program is currently and what your next steps are?
  • Do you believe that your current Net Promoter Score would increase if you had greater staff and executive engagement?
  • Would you like to emulate the practices of loyalty leaders across categories?
  • Are you unhappy with your current Net Promoter Score or increases achieved in recent times?

If you have answered YES to any or all of the questions above, then Engaged Strategy has some interesting news to share.

Over the years we have been tracking the increasing role NPS is playing in building brands. Various industry studies state that by 2020 customer experience will become a key driver of brand differentiation, overtaking product and service offerings. This may come as a shock to conventional thinking, but Engaged Strategy’s studies also support this. In this digital age, customer experience plays a substantial role in driving business growth – and this is just the beginning. We’ve found that:

Compared to Detractors, Promoters purchase 2X the number of products from a brand.

In B2B organisations, an NPS increase of 1 point results in an increase of approximately 1.25% share of wallet.

Typically 20% to 30% of sales are sourced from Word of Mouth; in some cases much more.

Promoters have a stated loyalty that is 2.4X higher than Detractors.

Net Promoter programs are tailormade to suit the requirement of each company based on the dynamically changing rules of customer experience. However, it works only when the best practice techniques become a livid discipline within an organisation to ensure it provides timely, relevant and actionable insights.

Are you ready to take the first step towards dynamically impacting your organisation’s NPS? 

Start Your NPS Mini Audit Now >>
It is obvious that the economic benefits of executing an effective NPS program are monumental. In a run up to this soon-arriving revolutionary phase where CX is critical in managing businesses, Engaged Strategy’s online NPS Mini Audit will help you assess your organisation’s NPS program in approximately 5 minutes and obtain immediate insights into the strengths and gaps of your NPS program. You can evaluate your NPS program across six key dimensions  based on leading best practices:

Upon completing this 5-minute assessment, you will have taken the first step towards optimising your Net Promoter program. The results will help you determine opportunities to enhance your NPS practices and drive customer loyalty and effective word of mouth.

Your identity and the information you provide will be maintained under strict confidentiality, with individual responses anonymised.

Following this, we will send you a more detailed complimentary analysis of the results in early 2019 comparing your organisation with other participating organisations. This will enable you to understand how your NPS program compares to other live and active NPS programs. And all of this is available to you for FREE.

We are extremely confident that this data can help you engineer stronger customer engagement and improve your understanding of your organisation’s opportunities and gaps in your NPS program.

Start Your NPS Mini Audit Now >>

Anyone who is responsible for or part of their organisation’s NPS program or a customer feedback / VOC program that incorporates NPS. Feel free to share the NPS Mini Audit with relevant colleagues within or external to your organisation.

All Net Promoter programs are not equal. By participating you’ll have a bird’s eye view of how your organisation’s NPS program stacks up against best-practice programs. Plus:

  • It’s FREE
  • It only takes 5 minutes to participate
  • You’ll immediately receive your own results AND in early 2019 you’ll be able to compare your program to others that are active right now with a comparative free report
  • Your identity and the information you provide will be maintained under strict confidentiality, with individual responses anonymised

We are an award-winning international strategic consultancy specialising in customer experience, brand strategy and employee engagement. Engaged Strategy was the first Net Promoter Loyalty Partner in the world and the first licensed distributor of the official Net Promoter Score survey platform. Since then we have partnered with our clients and applied our holistic consulting approach to achieve NPS increases of 50+ points by leveraging our experience and knowledge over 10+ years across 20+ industries.

So what are you waiting for?

Start Your NPS Mini Audit Now >>
NPS® and Net Promoter® are registered trademarks of NICE Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company and Fred Reichheld.