Customer Experience Workshops
In an increasingly competitive and globalised market, mere satisfaction will not drive loyalty and growth. We rely on years of consulting experience, combined with industry wide research and analysis, to provide actionable insights to develop outstanding customer experiences and value propositions so that your customers are loyal and recommend you to others.
Customer Value Proposition Design Workshop
Break through the clutter of competition by understanding exactly why your customers should be loyal to you and recommend you to others. A Customer Value Proposition (CVP) is the reason why customers consider you, buy from you, and stay loyal to you. We work with you to design, and deliver, your unique value propositions so that your customers clearly understand why you stand out from the competition.
Customer Journey Mapping Workshop
Every interaction your organisation has with a customer is important and contributes to their overall experience with your organisation. This facilitated workshop looks at all the interactions that customers have with your organisation, but from a customer’s perspective. It identifies key interactions and potential pain points that can influence your Net Promoter Score®. The unique outputs from this workshop are utilised to tailor customer survey/s and develop customer strategies.
Customer Experience Strategy Workshop
Take your Net Promoter Score to the next level by creating customer experiences worthy of recommendation. In this workshop, we work with you to develop a customer experience statement specifically designed to improve your Net Promoter Score. Our unique approach utilises our expert knowledge of the precise emotional and functional elements you need to deliver to be worthy of loyalty and recommendation. This then becomes your unique Customer Experience DNA.
Strategic Action Planning
This service is aimed at senior managers and executives to ensure that we work closely with you to drive best-practice processes for top-down (cross-functional) and bottom-up (local team) action planning to develop initiatives to increase your NPS® score. Ideally this is conducted every six months to ensure your NPS program is delivering strategic insights that are acted upon in meaningful ways. We analyse your responses in detail, then present our findings that outline key pain points, themes, strengths and drivers of recommendation. We draw upon these strategic insights to provide a prioritised set of recommendations. This is followed up with an action planning workshop, where we co-develop improvement initiatives that are captured in an action plan. This will provide your organisation with a roadmap of initiatives with designated timelines and accountability to ensure action, all based on strategic insights drawn from your own surveys.
Embedding NPS Disciplines
1. Top Down & Bottom Up Initiative Development
It is not enough to just measure your NPS you have to take regular action in a disciplined manner. We show our clients how to uncover insights and then take action top-down via a cross functional team to address organisation wide issues. In addition, we also recommend processes where local frontline teams examine their team results and then develop local initiatives. All these initiatives need to be communicated to the Program Governance team for information and larger initiatives for approval.
2. Program Governance
Successful NPS implementation needs an organisation to take responsibility as a whole, from the executive to the frontline staff. Program Governance is a customised process of defining the appropriate roles, agenda, and processes that your organisation requires to form its own NPS Governance Committee. This committee will be responsible for the performance of your NPS and will keep your NPS efforts on track in today’s dynamic business environment.