Engaging Times Newsletter – October 2018Engaged Strategy2018-12-06T14:58:19+10:00
At Engaged Strategy we don’t just talk the talk, we make it a point to walk the walk. For us this means prioritising and redesigning how we add value to our client relationships. In this year we held our first summit, Connecting the Strategic Dots, which brought our international subject matter experts to our clients in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.
Created to facilitate an environment where we could transfer our specialist knowledge to our clients, we designed these sessions to address five key areas:
Digital Transformation and Disruption – Is your company among future-focused companies in your industry, or is it threatened by digital disruption from competition?
The Secrets of Loyalty Leaders – A distillation of what separates industry loyalty leaders from the others.
Strategic Linkages – Anticipate risks, identify opportunities and enable better strategy development by linking customer feedback with organisational lead measures.
What’s new in CX Survey Technology? Latest developments in CX Surveys from NICE Satmetrix.
What’s next after NPS? NPS has transformed the business world for over 10 years, but it’s time to find out what your next step to outperform and sustainably grow is.
To every one of our attendees we would like to extend our warmest appreciation for being part of the first Engaged Strategy Summit. For those who missed out on the opportunity to attend and would like to learn more about any of the topics discussed contact us.
Engaged Strategy surveyed thousands of Australians to rate their satisfaction levels and their recommended brands across five sectors – Motor Insurance, Property Insurance, Health Insurance, Superannuation & Banking. 40 unique brands featured across the five lists for their specific sectors, as shown in the chart below:
These brands that qualified for the study were scrutinised across a range of customer experience and brand attributes in addition to the internationally renowned measure of Net Promoter Score® (NPS). The NPS reveals the extent to which customers are likely to recommend their very own brand to others and is a strong indicator of their business performance and growth.
And the winners are…
Achieving the highest NPS in a category is no easy feat. To recognise these leading brands Engaged Strategy created the Most Recommended Brand which is awarded to the brand with the highest NPS for each sector.
The Most Recommended Brands across the five sectors and their performance against the sector’s average score are revealed in the chart below:
Effective strategy formulation requires you to identify gaps and opportunities based on customer perceptions of your brand, your competitors and your industry. This is the foundation on which the Intelligent Industry Analytics was created to redefine the value that industry benchmarking can provide.
This comes together to form the Intelligent Industry Analytics package which enables you to independently surface the insights that matter to you for your brand, key competitors and your entire sector. This is available for banking, superannuation, health insurance, motor insurance and property insurance.
addresses the above points and provides holistic and comparative insights with you key competitors and the sector at just a click. This will empower your decision makers to draw up fast and action-based strategies to enhance your brand’s performance.
Independent & robust
Engaged Strategy independently funds, sources and analyses nationwide data based on actual customer responses.
All included brands have robust sample sizes enabling in-depth analysis beyond overall scores.
For more information on the Intelligent Industry Analytics package, click here!
The rules of customer experience are changing year on year. While Net Promoter programs are tailormade to suit the requirement of each company, they also need to incorporate best practice techniques to ensure they are providing timely, relevant and actionable insights. Why is this? Over the years it has been observed that while many companies are adopting Net Promoter programs, a majority tend to focus just on the Score. However, the score is just the tip of the iceberg. Net Promoter only comes to life when it is embedded as a discipline that drives action. The score is just a means to an end.
The NPS is like the tap root of a tree that keeps growing in a single direction. Your strategies need to spread out like rootlets to support not just this foundational taproot, but also feed the tree with the right food for thought and strategies for action that can strengthen your business via healthy customer experience solutions.
Engaged Strategy is committed to partnering with our clients to help them create customer experiences worthy of recommendation. To this end, we are offering a FREE Mini Net Promoter Audit to our clients and key contacts. This will help you quickly ascertain the health of your Net Promoter program and make quick assessments on what’s working and what’s not. All you need is FIVE MINUTES or less! You will receive an assessment of your performance across seven key areas immediately after the survey. Following this, you will receive a more detailed report in 4-8 weeks comparing yourself with other businesses participating in the NPS program.